Out of Blue is a new format here in NWB and it's all about interesting and underground-based photographers. In this column you can see several unbelievable masterpieces from five different photographer geniuses. Starter of the series is Nigel Almodovar,32 years, freelance photographer/free journalist/lifestyle coach from the sunny East Coast of Spain,city of Sabadel. You're welcome.
"Awww! This photo is taken two years ago and as you can see it's a statue. I dunno why I bring this right here but for some reason I just like that feeling coming out of that photo. It's so clean, simple and easy to look at. I have no idea what that dude is doing there, maybe eating some chocolate bar almost naked, coming from the sauna or something? I don't know. He is very focused on what he is doing anyway."
"That one is one of my all-time faves. Look at the contrast between those b/w stripes and the dark silhouette of young lady on the left. I love that moment, she's thinking something, right? She's clearly defending herself against something, you see that? Hands crossed and face turned down. There's a lot of momentum in there."
"I used to live in Barcelona, Spain, numerous of years ago. This flick of some old, half-bold hombre, is taken on some random plaza, near my apartment. When I got back to my apartment and developed that film I noticed those stiches in his head. That was rad. This photo is so timeless."
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